
(A君) 臍傍静脈についての記述が見つけられなかったのですが、臍静脈は胎児期のみで、成体では肝円索になり、肝円索が門脈圧亢進症など再開通したら臍傍静脈となる、という理解で良いでしょうか。

(わたし) 肝円索の回り,肝鎌状間膜の中に細かな静脈が走行しています.それがparaumbilical vein(臍傍静脈.傍臍静脈と呼ぶヒトもいる.まあ訳語だから.)



(A君) 臍傍静脈の件は、google検索で一番最初に出てくるサイトが間違っていました。


(わたし) みました.

Casullo, Joseph, et al. "CT of the paraumbilical and ensiform veins in patients with superior vena cava or left brachiocephalic vein obstruction." Plos one 13.4 (2018): e0196093.


Fig 7. Visual model of the arrangement and systemic anastomoses of collateral paraumbilical veins. The potential collateral pathways between the systemic and paraumbilical veins are shown. Only the left epigastric and subcutaneous vessels are included. An inferior vessel (arrowhead) terminates at the umbilical notch and receives tributaries continuous with ensiform veins, and deep epigastric and subcutaneous veins, which cross the rectus sheath or linea alba (not shown). The ensiform veins descend from a transverse branch of the internal thoracic veins at the xiphoid process. The patent part (arrow) of the umbilical vein (UV) also receives an inferior vein with its tributaries. The obliterated umbilical vein joins the umbilicus. The superior veins communicate with diaphragmatic branches of the internal thoracic, anterior mediastinal and pericardiacophrenic veins. (Visual model created by MUHC Patient Education Office).

(A君) 情報源は大事だと痛感しました(怪しいなと思ったからこそ質問させていただいた訳ですが)。


(わたし) まあ,のんびりやりましょう.一生続きますから.勉強は.